Monday 14 April 2008

Shipyard - The Steam Ram Florence

The 165 ton Steam Ram Florence. Inspiration came from a 28mm scale model of the 165 ton Steam Ram Penelope, and captain Gustav Barnaby that I saw on the net. See below;

I knew that I wanted to model this Aeronef, just as soon as I'd seen it and after the initial sketches, the hull was carved from three pieces of balsa - the bow, mid section and tail. Once they were about the right size and shape I glued them together and sanded them smooth.

The reason I carved them in three sections is that this particular hull is quite complicated and having tried to model it in one, I gave up. This revised technique suited the hull shape better.

The two 'work-in-progress' shots, show the model completed and undercoated. The main items of construction are; Ram section - sticky label, Main wheelhouse - thick white plastic used for double glazing, Mast - cocktail stick, Engine room - more thick plastic, Boiler - section of plastic pen, Tail - plastic card, Gun platforms - sections of knitting needles and Guns - plastic card and plastic rod.

Additional detail is sections of plastic rod and small pieces of plastic card.

I have named the Aeronef 'Florence' after my Mother-in-law, I know that she likes the idea as many years ago I modelled an O'Gauge steam engine and named it 'Joseph' after my Father-in-law.

The model is painted with acrylics and the flag was hand painted.



  1. Fantastic work as always! I, too, love to scratchbuild and am constantly inspired by your Sky Galleons. One of these days Im going to give it a go. Keep up the good work.


  2. Thanks for the detailed list of what was used! Very inspiring and always a joy to read. Please keep it up!
