Thursday 8 May 2008

Dampf's Grey Period - My Paints

As promised in an earlier post I have detailed below the main range of paints and manufacturers that I regularly use. Before I start - this is not a list of all my paints, but more a core range or colours and potsof paint I could not do without. My actual paint pot collection runs into dozens if not hundreds of pots!

Black - firstly, Vallejo Game Colour Black and then GW Black.
White - Vallejo Game Colour White and Reeves Tube Acrylic Titanium White.
Grey - Vallejo Stonewall Grey and Foundry Charcoal Black 34B .
Red - Vallejo Game Colour Bloody Red.
Orange - Warzone Gehenga Orange (very old and no longer available).
Dark Brown - Vallejo Game Colour Charred Brown.
Brown and Flesh base - GW Snakebite Leather.
Green - a range of three very old Warzone paints - Centurion Green, Jungle Green and Venus Green (each one, now treated with great respect as I am sure I will not be able to replace them).
Yellow - a range of paints and manufacturers, but no particular favourites.
Blue - a range but no particular favourites, but tending to be dark rather than light blues.
Flesh - Coat d'arms Linen and Warzone Legionnaire Flesh with GW Flesh Wash the old style pot with the blue flip lid (I have a couple 'stock piled').
Metalics - nearly all new style GW pots - I usually replace these before they run out.

A large range of coloured inks but mainly Calligraphy inks from Dayler Rowney.

Paint additives;
Klear from SC Johnson.
Flow Enhancer from Dayler Rowney - the Cryla and System 3 Acrylic enhancer.
Clear Acrylic Gel from DecoArt and Reeves Artists Painting Medium.

Two 60watt 'Daylight' bulbs, one either side of my painting station.

Any good quality brushes but not expensive sable, as I abuse them - 'more GW quality synthetics in the main but some cheaper sable'.

My Palette;
plain paper or note pads - "use and throw away."

Following the initial comment about my grey painted miniatures, I have really begun to think about how I paint and visualise the colours and my miniatures, I know that I have a core and limited palette, but do not see this as problem, a bit like a group of old favourites or friends.

I would describe my painting style as following the style used by Privateer Press, black undercoat, strong bold colours, highlighted once, twice or more with washes of ink. See Warmachine/Hordes or their in-house magazine No Quarter.

Finally I found this particular exercise very interesting and one that I would recommend as a thought provoking project. It made me realise that I do not need the hundreds of little pots, tubes and bottles, just a small range of well tried and tested paints.


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