Monday 5 May 2008

Flash Gordon - Hooded Leader

It has been noted that I am going through a GREY PERIOD, I was not aware that I was, but have to admit that a number of the latest figures have been predominately grey!

This latest figure has been primed and ready for painting and sitting on my workbench for some time. Having read the comment about grey miniatures, I was drawn to this figure and the only colour I could possibly use was grey! Very dark grey!

The miniature is the Emperor Palpatine figure from a Star Wars board game which I picked up at a charity shop (sorry I cannot remember the name of the game, but it does have lots of 40mm/50mm figured of which this is one).

The miniature was cut from its base and mounted on a 40mm round base (this time without any cork!) The figure was then undercoated with PVA glue and primed with black paint. The painting is just dark grey over black, with just one wash of black ink. The face is Spearshaft Brown with Spearshaft Brown and Skull White highlights, a simple model to complete.

The figure stands just over 40mm tall.

I really must try a different colour scheme with my next miniature.


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