Friday 6 June 2008

Flash Gordon - Leader of the Stone Men

"Sorry - but yet another grey miniature! This time a resin figure from Fenryll, a stone or rock elemental."

The figure was slightly modified by having the base re-sculpted and additional rocks added before the groundwork was built up with DAS.

The figure stands 55mm tall and is mounted on a 40mm round base. Painting was very simple, a black undercoat with grey dry-brushing and an earth wash before the final detail was picked out. This is beautiful sculpt and one that I would recommend to anyone. I can envisage painting another one at some time in the future.



  1. My comment keeps cropping up. Now I'm feeling bad.

  2. To Strangevistas

    Its not bad - seriously not bad at all - I am very grateful that it has been noticed - I was too close to see it and it has made me think about my painting style and the colours I use. If anything I am much more at ease with the colours I use now as I understand them and myself better.

    This all sound too deep, but no I am very happy that it was noticed and you should not feel bad at all.

    The fact that I have used it in my Blog has also given me so much more to write about, so in fact I should be thanking you.

