Wednesday 4 June 2008

Flash Gordon - Thing!

This is a D&D Miniature called the 'Caller in Darkness' 49/60 U from the Unhallowed set. It is cast in smoke coloured clear resin and was re-based on to a 40mm round base and the base textured with DAS and a little 'green stuff'. The only painting was the base and some highlighting around the faces, other than that the miniature is stock!

"Now that I have seen the miniature on the computer - I think I might paint the tongues on some of the faces."

I have no idea what to call it or how I will use it, I just thought it was a really great sculpt and after less that one hour the miniature was based, painted and varnished.

The miniature was bought at Games Expo, Birmingham for £2.00 and stands just over 70mm tall. It is a very striking addition to the Flash Gordon collection.

The D&D Miniature Game offers a great deal of ready painted miniatures that you can regularly purchase from e-bay for very little money. The range offers a whole host of models that fit in with my choosen scale of 40mm, but are just as much at home with 28mm, or even 15mm figures. Check out;

Go to D&D Miniatures for a gallery of all the sets.


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