Sunday 1 June 2008

UK Games Expo, Birmingham

I visited the second UK Games Expo on Saturday, 31st May, 2008 at the Clarendon Suite, Birmingham. I arrived just before the official opening time of 10.00am and was one of the lucky ones, securing a parking spot.

I visited the first Expo last year and was very impressed with the venue and show, this year I felt that the whole show was not quite as good as last year, however I spent over twice the amount of cash I did on my first visit - so there must have been more here to tempt me.

The organisation of the whole event is very good - one of the best gaming shows I have ever attended in this respect and I would hope that this continues in future shows.

On entering I was presented with a full colour A4 booklet showing details of the event, the exhibitors and adverts, a commemorative dice (a nice touch) and a whole host of leaflets and fliers. The first hall I visited was already packed and full of exhibitors and visitors, I enjoyed the walk around and glanced at some of the exhibition or participation games. My only criticism was that this hall was poorly lit and the hundreds of blisters on display were difficult to see, later on a return visit the lighting seamed better, maybe I had just got used to it.

The main entrance opens on to a very impressive stairwell where Dr Who and Star Wars re-enactors were entertaining the public. (I realise that there are many who do not like this aspect of the hobby, but there is no doubt that families and members of the general public love these displays). Upstairs there are a whole host of smaller exhibition and gaming areas, which I thought added to the day, as you would enter a smaller hall and be confronted by a completely different game or tournament. I would also add that the building and decoration is very impressive having hundreds of Masonic or Freemason items that I also enjoyed looking at.

The main up stair halls were also filling up by this time and I took the opportunity to sit and eat, before exploring the bring-and-buy stand, which I felt was less well supported that last year. My major purchases were miniatures and terrain pieces with a couple of new paints.

All in all, a fantastic day out and well worth the £5.00 entry charge, well done to everyone concerned.


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