Saturday 28 June 2008

Waylands Forge - Birmingham

I was lucky enough to have time this week to visit Waylands Forge, Birmingham. I usually find that if I am in Birmingham I will be working and have very little time to browse the blisters of miniatures.

I spent time searching through the Reaper Dark Heaven Legends blister packs and picked up a selection of miniatures to be used with my 40mm Flash Gordon collection.

The first is - GARRAVANK THE GHOUL KING - 02718 (£4.65). My intention was to paint him as a Mudman and growing out of the ground, however the base needed to be cut back quite a bit to mount the model on the 40mm base and once I had done this I modelled and painted the figure as stock. This is quite a heavy miniature and very top heavy! In my Flash Gordon collection the miniature will be used as a Mudman.

The second is the STONE GOLEM - 02751 (£4.65). This particular figure was bought to paint as a muscle bound henchman, but once again the figure is so beautifully sculpted that I ended up basing and painting as stock. The miniature will be used as a Stoneman or Rockman. The metal elements (helmet, wristbands and belt buckle) were first painted dark brown, then bronze, copper and finally gold metalic, before being washed with an antique copper wash of dark blue/green which I have had for some time but this is the first time that I have used it. The finish is a matte verdegris that works very well.

Both miniatures are mounted on 40mm round bases - the Ghoul King is 42mm tall and the Stone Golem is 50mm tall.

In addition both miniatures used the new Games Workshop Washes. Black and Brown. They are very easy to use and I can imagine that they will become a regularly used product on my painting table. The washes were used straight from the pot and watered down.


PS. Even more 'Grey Miniatures' - I was tempted to paint them in different colours, but I think both look great in grey.

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