Sunday 6 July 2008

Flash Gordon - Swamp Monster

Another Monster-in-my-Pocket, plastic toy miniature, this time a Swamp Beast (number 43) which was re-based, coated in PVA glue and re-painted with acrylic paints.

The model is painted as the original miniature, just a little more care and time, while the leaves are individual Birch tree seeds, collected from the bottom of the garden and dried. They were glued on with super glue one-by-one with the aid of a set of tweezers and a steady hand and later varnished with water based acrylic varnish.

(Note; the same seeds are available as autumnal scatter material or leaf matter from Miniature Modelling sites, however with a little bit of research and searching you can pick them up for free).

The only issue I had with this particular miniature was the stance, it was very 'lop-sided' and so I mounted it on a large off-cut of cork cut at an angle to try and level it off. Later I re-sculpted the feet (roots) as if clinging or climbing on to the rock base.

The model is mounted on a 50mm round base and stands 50mm tall.

PS. Moster-in-my-pocket miniatures were being cleared-out of stores called InStore and Poundland (UK) late last year. I picked up packs of either three miniatures to a card or 'specials' with one to a card for between 50p and £1.50 a pack.

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