Wednesday 13 August 2008

Flintloque - Ghost

Some time ago I posted a couple of photos of Flintloque Undead, the first batch painted as ghosts (white over grey) and the second as an Undead Cossack standard bearer. I commented that I was impressed by the painting of 'Paths of the Dead miniatures' from Lord of the Rings (Games Workshop) and thought I would experiment.

I did not have a spare undead soldier but did have an older AA miniature of a skeleton and so, added a Russian shako and re-modelled the lower body as if rising from the earth - a spectre.

I painted the miniature as the Lord of the Rings Paths of the Dead miniatures and here is the result. The white base coat is washed with green ink and acrylic paint and then mixed with white acrylic paint to highlight. I kept the skeleton bones grey with white highlights and painted the hair a light brown, again highlighting with white.

I am not sure that I like the result and have not yet varnished the figure, in case I decide to re-paint it!

The conversion work is 'green stuff' with the lower body being built up over a thick paperclip and the plume over a standard paperclip.


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