Sunday 7 September 2008

Flash Gordon - Robots (the animated series)

For some time I have been thinking of adding some new robots to my collection - the style I wanted was inspired by the robots from Flash Gordon - the animated series. I purchased a set of 5 Hydra Miniatures Legionnaire Robots and have now based and converted the bodies.

The robot head needed to be completely scratch built from layers of plastic card and 'green stuff'. The photos below show the prototype head and the conversions I have done to the robot chests, which now display the Ming 'sun-burst' motif.

I have started to mould and cast the five heads in resin (automobile repair resin from Halfords) which takes some time, due to the mould cleaning and resin setting time, however by the end of today I will have my five robot heads cast in a rather fetching rose coloured resin! Once they are cleaned up I will attach them to the finished bodies with super glue and try to take some more photos before I start to paint.

I would have liked to have re-modelled the legs and arms to closer resemble the Flash Gordon robots, but I feel the new heads and chest detail should be enough.

The rose coloured robot heads have not photographed very well, but I have included this photo to show the progress so far. The photo also shows how I model bases - small pieces of broken cork, DAS modelling clay and sand.


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