Friday 19 September 2008

Steam Airplanes

I have recently joined the Lead Adventure Forum and one of the VSF threads was talking about steam powered flying machines - and the possibility of a modelling challenge to produce a suitable model.

I had already produced a VSF, steam powered flying machine model - a William Hensons Aerial Steam Carriage. See below;

The construction was based on the Fiddlers Green Aerial Carriage and re-scaled to 1/300th (or 1mm = 1foot). Construction started with the main body, which was first carved and then sanded to shape. The wing and tail are 1mm plastic card and the struts are sanded cocktail sticks. Other detail comes from the spares box or plastic card/plastic rod.

The model is 80mm long, has a wingspan of 130mm and the main carriage is 12mm tall.

Painting was carried out with acrylics and the markings were hand painted - a Texan blockage runner. The flags are just plain paper and the propeller discs are from clear plastic packaging blisters.

Here is a new photo, taken in natural light, which I think shows off the model better than the previous four photos.


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