Tuesday 21 October 2008

Make a Jetbike by November 30th

With all the part finished modelling projects currently on my workbench, it would be stupid to start a new one. Well here it is - a 40mm Flash Gordon rocket scooter or jetbike!

Over on the Rattrap Productions Forum 'the Speakeasy' there is a competition running - to produce a jetbike by November 30th.

The above cinema shot shows the inspiration for my particular scooter, Flash Gordon leading a troop of Voltan's Hawkmen against Ming the Merciless from the 'Queen' soundtrack Flash Gordon Film.

I have tried to copy the lines of the film version scooter, but in the end have settled on a Testors Salt Flats Racer model, which is in the process of being 'cut-and-shut' to produce a base on which to build the body of the scooter. The Flash figure is a modified 40mm Graven Images figure.

So far progress is painfully slow, but it still looks on-track for the finish date at the end of November. For more details go to;


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