Sunday 16 November 2008

Aeronef - French Airship Gloire

I have finally finished my first and only French Aeronef - the cruiser Gloire. Built some time ago to compliment the Luther Arkwright Aeronef fleets, The Gloire is one of the best armed Aeronefs in the collection and will be used as an accompaniment to the Italian and Papal Fleets. See earlier posts.

The third photo, prior to painting shows the construction. A pair of biro pens, glued end-to-end, plastic card superstructure and tail, knitting needle turrets and detail from my 'spares box'. Painting was done with various acrylic paints and a Games Workshop wash, with detail picked out by brush. The flag (hidden in both photos) and tail was hand painted and the 'Grim Reaper' transfer was from a French WW1 airplane transfer sheet.

I am thinking of selling the whole Luther Arkwight collection of models and will be making a decision soon. The Space 1889/Aeronef models built to 1/300th scale have become my main Aeronef modelling interest and the 1/600th scale Luther Arkwight scratch-builds are just hidden away in drawers collecting dust!

May 2013 update. Over the last year this particular post has seen a huge amount of views and I would be interested in knowing who and why the traffic has increased. I am looking to produce more Scratch-built Aeronef's and any comments about what readers would like to see would be greatly appreciated. For more information keep an eye on my latest Blog entries - I would expect at least one new Aeronef before the end of the year.



  1. I am always amazed when I look at your work in progress pictures. I have to ask, from start to finish, about how many working hours do you put into the construction of one of your ships?

    I am curious because I often wonder if I rush my builds.

  2. The Gloire model build time was - 3 - 5 hours approx.

    The painting - 2 hours approx.

    Very difficullt as I regularly work on more than one project at a time and if I am in the shed listening to football or a play on the radio I can be down the bottom of the garden for hours - but producing very little.

    I would say that when I am modelling - I tend to model fast and I know that I paint fast, even rushing the drying time with a hairdrier, that said I can go for months, between sessions on any one particular model, so I might not be normal compared to other modellers.


    I tend to build five models in my head for every one I build in plastic!

  3. I have a couple of 'not started projects' - and if I remember I will keep a diary of time spent - it would be interesting for my own information.


  4. Lovely airship Tony, well up to you usual standard! I posted a link for you here:

    Any luck selling your fleets?

    Yours in a white wine sauce,

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