Saturday 22 November 2008

Flash Gordon - Komok

A real beast of a miniature - a Komok, known to the cavemen as "the eater of men." The base miniature is a Purple Worm from the D&D collectable miniatures game, re-based and modelled before being painted with various acrylic paints.

The rock base needed some modelling with Milliput and fine sand. The body of the worm, also had considerable re-modelling to hide some of the very prominent mould lines and various joints.

I used Milliput, DAS and filler, before sanding them smooth and coating the miniature and base with dilute PVA glue prior to painting over a grey basecoat. Once the main colours were laid down I again used Games Workshop Washes - Black and Brown to add surface detail to the sculpt.

The final two photos, show work-in-progress shots which highlight some of the detailing prior to painting and having the base colours added.

The miniature is based on a 80mm round resin base from and stands 120mm tall. I painted the model grey and brown as I did not want the miniature to be recognisable as a Purple Worm. The grey rock area is OK, but I am not sure this is my best painting of grey rock or stone. Once again the D&D miniature range offers great value for money.



  1. Cavemen you say? Venturing into prehistorics or is this yet another tribe of Mongo?

    Love the conversion work. Simple. Effective.

  2. Hi Eli

    Just another tribe of Mongo - check out;


  3. Thanks for the wiki heads-up. I was really just joshing with you.
