Tuesday 16 December 2008

Christmas 2008 Project - A Shrine Gaming Board

With my desk full of part-finished modelling projects - I've started another one! My recent visit to Wargamer 2008, (the local wargames show, Perry Barr, Birmingham - Sunday 14th December) saw me walk away with two very influential purchases. The first was a plain 2 foot x 2 foot polystyrene terrain tile from Total System Scenics, bought for £6.50 and the second was the current issue of No Quarter (issue 21), which included an article entitled 'Building a Trollblood Krielstone Shrine' ( pages 86 - 90).

I was immediately 'hooked' and set about building a stone shrine model loosely based on the construction article. The main construction material is 'Blue Foam' with some spare 'Foam Board' and scrap card and four 'horses head' gaming pieces that I already had in my spares box, bought from Thailand last year and part of a Thai board game. I had wanted a more Oriental theme - in keeping with my Flash Gordon/Kang themed collection, but needs must and the horses heads were instantly available. Given more time I would have used Oriental chess pieces or Terracotta Warrior models.

I have differed from the No Quarter article by sloping the sides of the main structure, adding four sets of stairs, instead of one and building-up the base with foam board rather than mounting the whole thing on to a hill. The individual stones are carved with a scalpel and the texture is pressed into the foam with the rough edges of a broken roof tile (one of my favourite texturing tools). Further definition is obtained by running a pencil along the joints. The photos below show work-in-progress shots of the main shrine, the second photo shown on top of the TSS tile.

More to follow...


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