Monday 8 December 2008

Flash Gordon - Alien Figures part two

Here you see mid-point, work-in-progress shots of my latest Flash Gordon project - a group of four aliens.

The first figure was painted to test the colour and finish of the pale white or 'grey' alien look I was after. The miniature from Mithril is an Entling and stands just over 40mm tall. I have used Ghost grey from Vallejo as the base colour and built it up to pure white. I have yet to use any washes or varnish the figure. The miniature was painted over a white undercoat, rather than my more usual technique of a black undercoat.

It is mounted on to a 40mm round base which is modelled, in my usual manner with pieces of broken cork and fine sand.

I am pleased with the result, but feel the colour scheme is still a little too pale and 'washed-out'. This being the smallest figure in the group of four, has been painted much paler than the other three will be. I am still to decide if this finish is right.

Colour note;
I would say that the actual miniature colour (rather than the colour shown on the computer) is slightly bluer.


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