Friday 23 January 2009

Christmas 2008 Project - The Amber Shrine Board part fourteen

The first two photos show how work has progressed, with the grey stone areas receiving a number of lighter drybrushings and the decorative terracotta layer painted with red and orange acrylic paint.

Photo Three - shows the paints used for the stone areas, they are; Anita's Charcoal 11086, Anita's Grey 11043, DecoArt Westport Grey and Reeves tube acrylic Titanium White. The paint was applied from a scrap cardboard palette with a large, flat (children's) brush in a scrubbing and traditional drybrushing action.

Photo Four - shows the varied selection of paints used for the terracotta layer, they are; Anita's Burnt Umber 11027, Game Colour Bloody Red, Game Colour Hot Orange and Games Workshop Sunburst Yellow. Each of these colours were applied with a medium detailing brush, well diluted and mixed in various proportions to add some variety. Once dry, the area was washed with a brown/black wash.

Photo Five - shows the finished grey stone work and terracotta layer in greater detail. I have painted the entire board indoors under artificial lighting and initially felt that the grey was a little too 'muddy'. Now that I have seen the board in direct sunlight, I am much happier with the effect, however I still plan on adding some coloured glazes or washes, to break up the uniform colour.

The painting in this section has taken about two hours and I am very pleased with the results so far.


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