Wednesday 28 January 2009

Christmas 2008 Project - The Amber Shrine Board Finished

Nearly one month overdue, the 2 foot x 2 foot terrain board is now finished.

Photos One, Two, Three and Four show the completed skirmish board from each of the four corners. The photos taken outdoors and in natural light give a great impression of the naturalistic groundwork I was attempting with this project. For better images, please click on each of the photos.

Photo Five - this is the first time that I have photographed the board from this angle, giving a 'birds eye' view of the stone shrine and monolith as well as showing the random flocking and ground foam vegetation.

Photos Six, Seven and Eight - are three images showing the shrine in greater detail as well as adding a figure/figures to highlight the scale of the finished piece (the Hawkmen are converted Graven Images 40mm miniatures with body parts and wings taken from a Foundry Sky Elf).

The static grass is from TSS mixed with a small amount of Games Workshop static grass applied over diluted PVA glue. I tried to paint the glue in a random 'snake-like' pattern while still allowing the grey rubble to show through. The ground foam areas are two shades and grades of foam from my spares box (manufacturer unknown, but I suspect Woodlands Scenics). The foam was mixed with PVA glue, distilled water and flow improver then applied with a couple of wooden coffee stirrers, once fully dry, the clumps are very strong and resilient.

The final two photos, Photo Nine and Ten - show the novel feature of this terrain piece - the fact that the monolith can be lit from within with some Christmas decoration lights powered by a small battery pack built into the base of the tile. These two photos were taken indoors and without a flash.

The terrain piece was initially inspired by a Privateer Press terrain making article in the magazine No Quarter, however I feel the piece is generic enough to be used in Pulp, Horror, Fantasy or my preferred gaming genre Flash Gordon. I hope that you agree.

There you have it - the Amber Shine Board, finished. I hope that readers have found the whole construction sequence interesting and informative. Thanks for taking an interest.



  1. That is really awesome! I envy the guys who get to play on that!

  2. Simply outstanding work Tony! I've enjoyed following the posts. Thanks very much for sharing.
