Saturday 31 January 2009

Early Citadel Monsters

This weekend I have been sorting through some of my collection of unpainted miniatures with an aim to selling them on E-bay. While searching the attic, I came across these very early painted Citadel Monsters and have uploaded the images here. Please note that these are not for sale.

The miniatures show my early painting style/styles. Although I am never sure that I have improved that much!!!!

Photo One - is a Citadel Hill or Stone Troll, mounted on to a Milliput rock, which in turn is mounted on to a 40mm square, plastic base. The ground work is sculpted Milliput. (I have no idea why I painted the hair ginger!)

Photo Two - is a Gourgaz Leader from the LONE WOLF adventure books by Joe Denver and Gary Chalk. This miniature was picked up some time ago from a bring-and-buy stall and the axe was missing. I sculpted a club in its place. The base is thick plastic card - 30mm x 30mm.

Photo Three - is an early Citadel Demon, with the base sculpted from Milliput and is in fact mounted on to two 25mm x 50mm bases, placed next to one another.

Photo Four - is a Zoat, I think a Zoat Magic User? The miniature is mounted on to a 40mm square, plastic base.


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