Saturday 7 February 2009

Flash Gordon - Ice Giant part two

The photos are pretty much self explanatory and show the stages in painting the Ral Partha Frost Giant. The only difference from my 'normal' painting style is that I used a white undercoat rather than my preferred black or very dark brown undercoat.

The colour scheme was in the main, copied from the Joe Videki painted miniature, (see earlier posts).

There is still some tidying up and fine detail to do, but in essence the main part of the painting is now finished. I have used a wide variety of paints from various manufacturers as well as Games Workshop Washes. The skin tones (which I am particularly pleased with) were a custom mix of Vallejo Model Colour Dark Flesh 927 and Games Workshop Snakebite Leather applied in watered-down coats then washed with Citadel Colour Flesh Wash, Games Workshop Gryphonne Sepia Wash, Johnsons Klear and distilled water, hence the gloss finish to the skin. Skin highlights were built up with Vallejo Dark Flesh and Vallejo Game Colour Skull White.

Two final points about the based and painted miniature - I have mounted it on to a 50mm round base. The miniature could easily have been mounted on to a 40mm base, but with a figure this tall (71mm) and so heavy, I felt that a larger base was called for and finally - there are no primary colours used.

The next post will be finishing the basing, varnishing and flocking, but with such cold weather this may have to wait - I do not like to varnish in cold weather.


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