Friday 29 May 2009

The Dwarf Sauerkraut Wars - the regiments part ten

Regiment ten - The Krautian Guard

Allegiance - Krautian

One of the most characterful group of figures ever to come from Alternative Armies. A review in Orcs in the Hills, issue 9, page 55 - Krautian Guard (52502) 'Ten short and hairy weapon-wielding guys. As soon as you take a look at each dwarf you can see that every individual has his own personality, all sporting pickelhaubs and the greatest collection of mutton chop whiskers ever assembled, aiming their blunderbusses menacingly and fairly bristling with aggression. Under no circumstances would you want to mess with these guys! The standard bearer is hoisting a flag that is topped with a lovely detail - a foaming beer tankard, obviously a potent symbol in dwarf culture.'

This group of eight miniatures has a commanding officer from the Dwarf Landwehr set (52504), which I have always felt works better with this group than the capped officer with the eye patch.



  1. I am loving this series of posts. Though I do not play the game, the figures you are presenting are lovely. Are there really that many different figs out for Flintloque?


  2. Hi Eli,

    Thanks for the comments - yes there are, or have been, as some are now OOP, but yes loads of figures, although a lot of mine are conversions.


  3. Do you convert from existing Flintloque figs or do you sometimes convert from other 28mm dwarves?


  4. Hi Eli

    The Dwarves are conversions of existing Flintloque miniatures, some of the other miniatures, Ogres, Ghosts, Werewolves are from different manufacturers.

    In addition Flintloque/Alternative Armies also produce Fantasy Dwarves, which can be converted.


  5. Thanks for the info. The game isn't really my thing, but I do like to know where things come from and how they are done. It helps me help others in the future.


