Friday 22 May 2009

Flintloque - Small Stone Warehouse part four

Photo One - This morning I undercoated the whole model with a mixture of Acrylic White paint, PVA glue and some very fine sand. I used a stiff, cheap paint brush, to prod the paint and glue into the stonework.

Photo Two - This evening, I painted the whole model Pale Grey - a cheap 99p bottle, acrylic paint, bought from an arts and craft shop.

Photo Three - A quick 'wash' of distilled water, black wash and flow improver, brought out the detail.

Photo Four - A couple of dry brushes later and the detail (particularly the stone roof) just 'popped out'.

Photo Five - The basic painting took less than two hours and I think the technique has worked. I now look forward to the detail painting over this Bank Holiday Weekend.


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