Tuesday 9 June 2009

Scratch Built Terrain

Here are a couple of scratch-built terrain pieces that have not yet appeared on the Blog. I recently picked up the fountain model from a friend who had borrowed it and the tomb, was tucked away in the back of the attic..

Photo One - The Fountain
A scratch-built ornamental fountain, based on a porcelain model I saw on a visit to Barcelona some time ago. The model was on display in the window of a light fitting shop. I sketched the model on to a scrap of paper and on my return, I modelled it with a foamboard base and DAS.

Photo Two - The Tomb
Inspired by an altar/tomb at Worcester Cathedral, the model is built from card and thick paper on a plastic card base. The shield is a metal shield from my 'spares box'.

Both models are now back in circulation with a fresh coat of green sawdust flock. I look forward to using them again.


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