Friday 24 July 2009

Dampfwerks - Log Cabin

I am really excited to present my first resin casting in the new range of 1/48th - 40mm buildings I have been working on. A Log Cabin.

Photo One - shows the finished model painted and about to be photographed for inclusion in the catalogue. The figure is a 40mm American War of Independence Continental Soldier from the new Front Rank range of miniatures. The model comes complete with a detailed interior and a removable roof. Final details of availability and price should follow later this month.

Photo Two - is a photo of a reproduction of one of the log cabins built by George Washington at Valley Forge - the basis for the model. For more information, Google, Valley Forge.

Photo Three - The very first resin casting!

Photo Four - the 'master model' built from individual balsa logs and DAS modelling clay. The original was destroyed during the moulding procedure.

At this moment there are five buildings, the Log Cabin (seen above), a pair of buildings based on Hosking's Farm and the AWI battle at Guilford Courthouse, a Generic Cabin with Porch and a Carriage/Tack House based on a stone built building at Valley Forge National Park. In addition I have the Covered Well (seen on this Blog), a Log Store and a small Cooking Pot and Fire. Other models are being worked on.

As stated earlier, this is a brand new venture and a huge step forward for me. The castings are due to be available later this month. Once I have the details I will post links here and on the Web.

For all those who have written and commented on my previous buildings, thank you for the support. Here are the fruits of those earlier conversations.



  1. Looks excellent Dampf. How much and when can I get one?

  2. Looking good Tony. As a word of advice sell this stuff as historical. Flintloque gamers will work it out for themselves but some historical gamers get snippy if you suggest using it for fantasy...

  3. Have to agree there Steve.

    Btw, my girlfriend says 'very nice', which is always a good sign.

  4. Thank you Steve, thank you Rob. It is my intention to sell these models as 40mm AWI/ACW terrain pieces via the Dampfwerks brand (Thanks again Steve - I do read your E-mails and take your comments seriously).

    I would expect them to be available for sale before the end of the month, I am working on pricing now.

    To Rob, if your girlfriend likes these - wait until I get photos of the Hoskin's Farmhouse up on the Blog!

    Thanks again.


  5. I'm interested in hearing more...

  6. Tony, I totally missed this post and boy am I sorry I did. It's great that you are getting to turn your skills and your hobby to a bit of a business venture and I wish you the best of luck there.


  7. Tony,

    Went to Valley Forge last weekend had a look at the cbins in the flesh as it were, got some more photo's! Hope to see you at Warfare is you are attending with Dave!

