Thursday 3 September 2009

Colours Wargaming Show

Later this month, I am planning on visiting Colours - the Newbury and Reading Wargaming Society show held at Newbury Racecourse on Saturday, 12th and Sunday 13th of September.

This will be the first time that I have attended this show and I am looking forward to seeing what 's on display.

At this moment I am still not sure which day I will visiting, but the plan is to drop my wife off at Bicester Village and head south on the A34 to the racecourse. then spend most of the day checking out the games and traders.

I'll keep the Blog up-dated as to full details.


1 comment:

  1. Colours is an excellent show.
    I used to live just up the road, in Abingdon (you'll pass it on the A34). Bicester Village! Must have a bit to spend then! Last time I wandered around there I saw Cherie Blair with two assistants!

    I hope you enjoy it! :)
