Wednesday 14 October 2009

Blog update

It's been a while coming but I have updated my Blog by adding my followers. Many thanks to all who have support my Blog, you are now immortalized as icons on my front page!

Web stats are claiming that the Blog gets over 100 hits a day. Not bad for my various ramblings!

I have a number of articles that are planned for publication and they should be up and running very soon, four are for TMP - various workbench articles, two or is it three? for Alternative Armies and a short comment for Wargames Illustrated, linked to the 40mm AWI/ACW range from Grand Manner. The 40mm range continues to take up a good part of my modelling time with further releases due before the end of the year. However you will be pleased to know that 'other' modelling projects (maybe even a new terrain board) are being planned.

I am not planning on attending SELWG, but am looking to visit CRISIS, Antwerp in November. This will be my first ever over-seas show with a walk across the Waterloo battlefield on the way back.

More news as it happens, once again thanks for all the support.


"I have just seen that this is my 333rd post - Halfway to Hell :)"

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