Saturday 14 November 2009

Green Line grass clump - review

I have recently purchased a pack of grass clumps from Green Line, see photo (if you 'click' on the third photo you can see the individual clumps). The pack contains 120 small clumps of medium/long static grass, which are then glued to miniature bases to give a little variation to plain static grass, for example the static grass sold by Games Workshop.

These first two photos show a modified 40mm Front Rank AWI figure, a British Officer miniature painted as a French Officer based on an illustration seen on page 100 of Wargames Illustrated, issue 265. The base has one clump of the Green Line (Fredericus Rex) GL-009 Wildgrasbuschel mix Hellgrun or grass clumps light green - mixed.

The pack was purchased via E-bay from KIRTLES, Darlington for £4.50. I have also seen adverts for similar products in WI.

The first application, just one clump on this 40mm figure looks very good. However, I would recommend that anyone wanting to use these clumps studies the different colours available. On my test figure the clump and static grass colour are almost the same, I would suggest that a variation, light clump against dark green static grass for example may have worked better and looked more impact full.

The French Officer colour scheme was great fun to paint. I am particularly pleased with the red trews and waistcoat, which was GW Blood Red over GW Red Gore and a black/dark brown undercoat.


I forgot to add that I used uPVA glue to attach the clump, pressing the clump into the glue. The instruction state that you should use UHU glue. My first impressions are that this is a great (new) product and I would expect to use it on future miniatures and maybe even add clumps to my existing collection. At £4.50 these may look expensive, but with over 120 clumps to a pack, I think they are OK. I would give them a 8 out of 10 and have no hesitations in recommending them.

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