Tuesday 8 December 2009

Aircraft Models by Gabriel Stern

I regularly check-in with the On-Line model aircraft build site Aircraft Resource Centre and in particular look out for scratch built models by Gabriel Stern. In my opinion one of the most gifted scratch builders I have ever come across. Not only are his models 'little wonders of construction and research', but the subject matter is so eccentric!

As an example take this Riout 102T, a dragonfly inspired French flying machine.

For more examples of Gabriels work, check out; http://www.aircraftresourcecenter.com/Gal-Fea%20Archives/bi-planes/Gabriel-Stern/Gabriel-Stern.htm

Or pop over to The Aircraft Resource Centre at;

I guarantee, you will not be disapointed.



  1. This looks like it could be straight out of that movie "Those Marvelous Men and their Flying Machines" Wonder what one of these could really do though to a squadron of ME109s?

  2. looking to buy a model kit of the Lockheed Model 9 Orion/Explorer of Wiley Post's ill fated plane. Please let me know norris@ablebuzz.com
