Saturday 12 December 2009

Flintloque Buildings Set part three

The latest update on my 2009 Christmas Project details the work carried out on the second building - the tower. The model stands 120mm tall (without roof) and is 70mm wide and 70mm deep. The main structure is built from 3mm Plastic card with a double wall thickness to the upper section and individual carved corner stones superglued to the sides and door surround.

Since these photos were taken the gaps and joins in the stones have been filled with Milliput and the sides will be further detailed with even more stones prior to texturing and filling-in with a typical Spanish/Portuguese plaster finish.

The plan is for one side to have a (non-opening) door and the upper section to be accessible through the lift off roof.

Since the last post, I have been discussing the model with a number of prospective buyers and I have agreed to produce a small bell tower which can (if wanted) be attached to the roof of the main building making it even more versatile. Once I have images, I will post again.

Anyone interested in purchasing one of these sets should contact me direct. Many thanks to those who have already agreed to buy one and for those who have asked, I will try to have estimated pricing prior to Christmas.

The production date of February 2010 is still on plan.



  1. Looks great, a belltower eh?
    Thjat would go down a treat with Sharke and crew. Some very typical scenarios come into mind.

    I look forward to a) Buying them and b) Painting them.

    Your son lives in Leamington Spa? I live in Kenilworth, just 2 minutes away!

