Saturday 9 January 2010

Cold Weather update

The very cold weather and the scattering of snow has meant that I have been catching up on older projects and finishing outstanding commissions. Then Bill at The Miniatures Page (TMP) has included the Large Farm House post from earlier this week on the TMP front page. See;

Thank you Bill.

In addition I have been following with interest the new Blog by Steve Blease, a Blog of Blogs, see;

In principal, I am really looking forward to how this huge resource of wargaming Blogs will develop and be used. I have one issue with this and the similar La Figoblogotheque, see;

My problem is the loading time of these Blog links - it may be my computer, just old and slow, but the frustration I experience in waiting for these two Blogs to fully load is really annoying and then when you try to open a Blog via these links, I inevitably get a 'This link appears to be broken'.

There must be a place for such collections of Blogs, but also a way of showcasing them with more reliable links. Can anyone suggest if this is just me or does it happen to other Blog followers?

Finally on this point, I have recently been experiencing a delay in loading this Blog. Just poor weather, the amount of new Blogs or once again - my steam powered computer?

Good luck to Steve - I do appreciate the amount of work that such a project must take, well done and thank you for including Dampf's Modelling Page.


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