Monday 11 January 2010

Flintloque Buildings Set part eight

The Flintloque Building Set - the plan is to have a three part set of Flintloque themed building that can be used either individually or combined to make one larger structure. The buildings will be cast in resin by Grand Manner and should be for sale in late February, the cost will be no more than £70.00, see earlier posts for more details.

Photo One - Progress to date, all three pieces are based and the wall texture has been worked upon and improved.

Photo Two - All three building feature internal detail, this piece has a tiled floor, the tower has a wooden textured floor and the small out-building also has tiles.

Photo Three - A detail photo of the main building.

Photo Four - A detail photo of the tower.

Photo Five - A detail photo of the smaller out-building.

My own plan is to have two sets - the first to be used as individual buildings and the second set will be modified to make a larger hill top feature piece. I have recently written on this Blog about my library of reference books (OK, scrapbooks) and while photographing the collection I came across some old adverts/images of buildings from Snapdragon Studio. The finish of these Flintloque themed buildings is very similar to the Snapdragon style, a style that I believe works well with the 'cartoony' Flintloque sculpts.

The plan for a release date of late February is still obtainable and any comments on these buildings or orders would be very welcome. In the mean time, I hope that you continue to enjoy how these building have developed and how I build models.

For those that are interested, I use DAS White modelling clay for most of my work, preferring it to Milliput and/or Green Stuff which I use in limited quantities for fine detail. I believe that the Terracotta DAS is finer and gives more detail, but is messier to work with and more difficult to find!


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