Monday 18 January 2010

Flintloque Buildings Set part ten

The Tower is now 99% finished. These four photos show in pictures more than I can ever write about the amount of detail and surface texture I have modelled.

The Main Building and Outhouse are nearing completion and finished photos of these and more detailed photos of the whole set will be available very soon.

The Tower features a lift-off roof and fully modelled upper floor, internally there is a wooden planked floor and a (non-opening) trap door. The ground floor has not be modelled.

In this photo you can see that the tiled roof section sits proud of the background surface - this is because there is a 6mm thick plug, which fits into the top of the tower.

I would expect that all three buildings will be with Grand Manner for casting by the end of this week. I will keep updating progress here on the Blog.

I am very pleased with the progress of this particular project and feel that I have firstly captured in this model the 'Flintloque style', so obvious in the range of miniatures from Alternative Armies, secondly - I believe that this model has improved my modelling or sculpting skills. I now look forward to seeing it cast, painted and featuring on battlefields all across Valon.


There is no reason why this terrain piece could not be used with other gaming genres, - 40mm Peninsular Wars, Pirates or Musketeers!

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