Wednesday 27 January 2010

January update

The Flintloque Building Set is now with Dave at Grand Manner and I would hope to see the finished resin castings within a week - to ten days. My next commission is a 28mm European Windmill and this is now 50% finished and once again should be fully finished within the week. Other modelling projects continue alongside these, but at a slower rate.

Earlier today I received an e-mail giving details of the second edition of this book; Model Design & Blueprinting Handbook volume 1. I bought the original book some time ago as a present for my son, who was at the time at university studying Computer and Web Page Design. However, on his return home he allowed me to have the book for my modelling projects.

In shorthand, the book is full of technical design articles about how to produce plans (blueprints) for models from photos or illustrations and hints and tips on reproducing models from these drawings. It has been very helpful when producing models from photos.

This book covers a very specialized subject and as such I would recommend it to scratch-build modellers or modellers who are looking to produce their own designs and drawings only.

For more details see;

On a separate note Steve Blease of Wessex Games has launched an Aeronef supplement called Aeronef over the Aegean, a mini campaign based on the revenge attacks of Baron Lantoz and his flagship the Syren.

The book is being offered at a nominal fee of $1.00 with all proceeds going to Doctors Without Borders - Haiti Earthquake Response. For further details see;

2010 has started well with new modelling commissions and projects being delivered on time. I am aware that The Miniatures Page (TMP) will be running a couple of Workbench Articles very soon and Alternative Armies are planning on releasing a magazine that features an article or two of mine. I am sure that there will be loads more to fill the pages of this Blog in the next couple of months. I hope you enjoy them.


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