Thursday 21 January 2010

Watercolour painting - Mumbles

And now for something completely different! I occasionally dabble in watercolour painting, these two paintings are of Mumbles Head, near Swansea, South Wales. The subject matter is very close to my heart, having been born and brought up near to the sea and with this very striking headland always in view during my early years. In fact an Uncle and Aunt still live in Mumbles and my Mother and Father ran the St Anne's Hotel, Mumbles for some time.

Both images were copied from photographs of Mumbles that I took for a project my son was doing in university and I have painted them as an anniversary present for my Brother and Sister-in-Law. I will give one away and keep the second.

"I think I like the wooden framed version more that the one in the silver frame!" Both were painted on Winsor & Newton Cotman paper 14inch x 10inch and painted with a mixture of Winsor & Newton Cotman and WHS watercolour paints.


1 comment:

  1. Very nice, I hope they like the present.
    I am not much of a watercolour fan, I prefer pieces with a thick impasto and a sense of emotion to them in not only the subject matter but the way they are painted.

    These are very well painted and I'd love to see more of your work nonetheless! Check my blog (old posts) for some of my work!

