Monday 8 February 2010

Crazy Old Uncle Rogipoos (and Jose)

This latest post shows photos of my most recent Flintloque character miniatures - Crazy Old Uncle Rogipoos and his pet armadillo Jose.

The miniature of Old Rogipoos is a minor conversion of Oswald Pebblekettle from the Flintloque box set 5104 Albion 105th Foot "The Rifles" with a new bicorne and a mug of cocao (on the strict orders of The Big Nurse). Rogipoos is pictured wearing the uniform of the Willorc's Militia. While Jose - his pet armadillo is a scratch-build sculpts, which I am very proud of. I think I have captured the cheeky smile and unique colouring very well.

For those readers who are not familiar with this particular character, I would suggest that a visit to the Yahoo Group The Notables is the best place to start, see;

Crazy Old Uncle Rogipoos is the alter-ego of one of the 'most inventive' and 'crazy' members of the group - Roger Willcox, the friendly if slightly eccentric owner of Willorc's Hall and the captain of The Robbyng Hoddie Fencible Militia. His biography is very well documented on the Notables site and a great example of how a character can be developed over time with the aid of a brilliant writer and the Internet. I have wanted to model this persona for some time and am now very proud that COUR (and Jose) are now a part of my miniature collection.

I hope that Roger will approve? Cheers and Huzzah,


As if it needs explaining - Joze is the invisible pet armadillo of Uncle Rogipoos!


  1. Great sculpt on Joze. Stunning stuff.

    Crazy Old Ungle Rogipoos is really good as well!

  2. Crazy Old Uncle Rogipoos has made todays News Page on The Miniatures Page (TMP).

    I wonder where he'll turn up next?


  3. For anyone wanting to copy the conversion here are the details (Sorry - but I didn't take any work-in-progress shots).

    Main body - Oswald Pebblekettle from 5105 'The Rifles'

    Bicorne - 1st Staff Detatchment Ogre 56009

    Cocoa mug - plastic straw and sprue

    The rest is 'Green Stuff'



  4. As I said on the Yahoo group, excellent. Love the concept, wish I could decipher half of what the old guy says though!

    Young Rob
