Sunday 28 February 2010

Dampf's Modelling Page 2nd Anniversary

Today is the second anniversary of this Blog.

When I started, I wasn't sure that I could find enough content to keep it going for more than a couple of weeks, but two years on and I'm still taking photos and writing about my hobby! In fact I have a note book with at least a dozen new stories or articles either ready or nearly ready to go.

I have been published in print and on the Web, I now have a range of 40mm terrain pieces in production (and 28mm buildings due out very soon), credits on rulebooks, miniature sculpts about to go into production and a thriving network of followers.

I've found the whole exercise has helped me to develop my modelling and writing skills (although, I admit that I could improve on my photograpy). I would hope that those who have followed this Blog would agree.

In terms of whether it is a success or not, I could quote statistics;
421 posts
Hundreds of photos and
Thousands of words,

However, for me the production of this Blog has forced me to improve my painting and modelling skills, allowed me to share information and most importantly of all, developed on-line friendships with so many like-minded modellers. AND NOT FORGETTING IT'S FUN.

To all that read the Blog, respond with comments or not, - thank you for reading. Thank you for supporting.

(in my third year, I'll try to complete some of my on-going projects!)


  1. Happy birthday Dampf's modelling page!
    Great 2 years it's been.
    Your blog is thoughtful, inspiring and considered. Well done for that, you deserve all the things that have come your way from the blog as you've done an excellent job.

    Very well done. :)


  2. Happy Birthday and my heartiest congratulations. Blogging is fun and following a blog as well. You´ve performed very well!


  3. Congratulations. Your blog is always interesting to read. Keep up the good work!

  4. Congratulations Tony!

    Your blog is among the finest of online interest and reseach sites I have ever seen. Keep up the good work and in the words of Freddie....'your a ****** genius!'

