Sunday 14 February 2010

Flintloque Dwarf Uhlans

My latest On-Line Build is a set of eight Flintloque Dwarf Uhlans, converted from an E-bay purchase of Krautian Guard 52502. This collection of second-hand miniatures were picked up based and painted.

The figures were originally mounted on to square, vinyl floor tile bases with thick black glue. My first job was to remove the glue and re-mount them on to 2p coins building up the bases with Milliput and detailed with some 'green stuff'. At this stage I decided not to strip the models, but will undercoat them with black paint once I have finished modifying them.

This photo shows how I have built-up the Uhlan helmet. I first cut of the top of the Picklehaus and attached a small plastic card square and filled in the crown with 'green stuff'. Once I was happy with the basic shape, a larger, shaped plastic card square was superglued on top of the first square. The helmets were further detailed with 'green stuff', a large badge to the front and a smaller coronet or plume to one side.

This close-up shows the Uhlan helmet in greater detail.

I am sure that there will be further detailing before I undercoat the figures, but for now - these photos show the work-in-progress so far.

I am still undecided on what colour scheme to use. I am sure I will find inspiration soon.



  1. Cool! Looks great. Are those helmets based on any real headgear?

    Good use of plasticard, I'm scared of the stuff! Rubbish at using it I am.

    Well done on getting them off eBay, I must have missed those!

    I'm following this in anticipation!


  2. Hi Rob,

    The helmets are based on a number of German headgear styles, while not copying any one in great detail they are generic Uhlan or German style.

    Plasticard or Plastic card
    I've been using it for over twenty years and find it very easy to use (I have had lots of practice). The secret is good Glue rather than anything else.

    However I would say my favourite medium is card, mounting card, cereal packaging, even corrugated cardboard - and I really should do more with it. My Grandfather used to make beautiful little models out of postcard card and this is something that I always try to copy.

    I always check out Flintloque on e-Bay, there are lots of bargains to be found there. However I only pick up figures if they are 'real bargains', some of the pricing is just stupid.



  3. Yeah I have to agree with that.
    I picked up most of my collection from Second City at 25p a piece!
    Sometimes I cringe at the thought of buying stuff new, but even then sometimes it is worth it.
    I really want the Pavlova Grenadier set, but the price for a full unit really hurts. I mean, they aren't THAT much bigger than the normal Moskova guard right?

    What kind of plasticard have you used? Did you have to shape it? I probably would have just sculpted it. Card? sounds hard! I guess I'm not so good at crafting things out of hard materials.


  4. Hi Rob,

    If you want a good book on how to work in plastic card, try Scale Model Aircraft in plastic card by Harry Woodman.

    Even though a book about aircraft the techniques used by this real master of scratch building are just as relevant (for any subject)as when they were first published.

    The book is one of my all-time top modelling books/guides and given that it was published in 1977, that is something! This was long before all those etched and resin accessories were available, and if you wanted to detail a cockpit or a new engine, you had to make it yourself.

    Highly recommended.

