Tuesday 23 February 2010

Model Maniacs by Chiller Theatre

I would expect this series of modelling magazines to be new to most readers,however to the best of my knowledge here is the complete Model Maniacs series of magazines from 2000.

Starting with issue #0 and moving right through to what I believe is the final issue issue #6. In general the magazine concentrates on 'Garage Kits' and mainly Horror, film or Science Fiction genres, however there are some exceptions.

For anyone familiar with either Modellers Resource or Special Effects Magazine (SPFX) the contents of this magazine will be very well known, however for me, the 'how-to' and specifically the painting articles are very well done and continue to offer new alternative ways to paint models and build terrain. In addition one of the most interesting parts of the contents is the huge reference to Garage Kit manufacturers and Internet sites that cater for these large scale monster sculpts, most continue to trade today and offer a huge resource for anyone modelling who is interested in Sci Fi or Monster kits.

Each magazine has a full colour cover, with various amounts of colour pages throughout. Issue #0 has 60 pages and issue #6 has 64 pages with about 25% featuring adverts and reviews of new kits. The cover price was $5.95, however I have seen individual issues sold on e-Bay for up to £15.00.

I think the cover images give a very good representation of the type of kits and the sort of content you can expect - I would point out that there are also a number of scantily clad (and nude) models featured, which may not be to everyones liking.

I would love to tell you that I have a loft full of these completed kits, however I have always found the larger scale models a bit daunting and so far I have not attempted to construct or paint one. This may change - one day.

I hope that you find this short review of interest and I would recommend that you search out issue of Model Maniacs, as well as keeping a look-out for Model Resource.



  1. They sound very good mate, shame about the prices though.
    Anyway, where are those Uhlans? :)


  2. "Where are the Uhlans?"

    Don't worry Rob, they are progressing, slowly - but progressing never-the-less. My biggest issue is that the glass jars I use to hold water (and clean my brushes in) keep smashing due to the (very) cold weather producing ice.

    I'll try to get an update to the Blog before the end of the week.

    March 1st will see two very special announcements. Keep watching for more info.


  3. oooooh!
    I look forward to the first of March!

    Mate, why not wash you rbrushes in a thermos? Hehehe.

