Sunday 14 March 2010

Dampf's Modelling Page featured on Miniature Wargaming

We have had my son and daughter over for lunch (Mothering Sunday) and my son has (once again) been showing me how I should be monitoring and up-dating my Blog! While folowing some of his hints and tips, I came across a link to this blog on Miniature Wargaming, for Saturday, March 13, 2010. Making a Napoleonic Building Set, see;

The link features the Flintloque Building Set, see below. The completed set is still with Grand Manner, being molded and cast, but I am confident that I will have news very soon on a firm release date.

I am always amazed at how 'blogging' works, how links and followers spread the contents of this and other blogs across the Internet. I have been trying to come up with a comparison of how blogging spreads this news - the best I can think of is like raindrops falling into a lake and the ripples and further raindrops causing new reactions. Maybe Chinese whispers! - Quite amazing!

I was also surprised to see just how many times Dampf's Modelling Page is mentioned on the Internet, via other blogs or news pages.

To the best of my knowledge this is the first time I have been featured on Miniature Wargaming, thank you for including it and as usual, I hope that re-directed readers enjoy the blog.


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