Saturday 20 March 2010

Flintloque Dwarf Uhlans - part seven

More of an update than a full Blog entry, with just four miniatures shown, - the four that have had the most done to them!

The most noticeable feature is that I have started painting the flag and once again the inspiration came from an Internet search, the design is based on, but not slavishly copied from a Prussian flag. The stein on figure 1 has been started (but not yet finished) and the bedroll and sack on figures 3 and 4 have been completed.

The flag has added much needed 'colour' to the small group and I now look forward to finishing the main painting and 'slapping on' the ground colour.

Part eight to follow soon.


1 comment:

  1. They are looking way more finished Tony. Really impressive, keep up the good work.

