Tuesday 20 April 2010

Billy (the) Piper - part four

It's all about the Tartan!

A dark blue base, highlighted with mid blue, then green checks and yellow highlights. In more detail; GW Midnight Blue (mixed with Black for the shadows) and highlighted with Enchanted Blue. Once fully dry the Snot Green checks were painted on and highlighted with a touch of Sunburst Yellow. The areas where the green horizontal stripes and the vertical stripes cross was then painted with a very yellow mix of Snot Green and Sunburst Yellow and highlighted with pure Sunburst Yellow.

Finally (and using a very fine or detail brush) I pained a Black cross over each of the yellow areas.

You may not see it on these photos, but after painting the tartan I realised that I had not painted the tartan on the bagpipe area below the hands. I had to re-mix all of the paints again to finish this area!

Much later I saw an illustration of a Black Watch piper in the W. Britains 2009 Spring/Summer Collection Catalogue. The pipers at the time of Waterloo had a different tartan to the one worn by the troops. The tartan worn by pipers had a red base, blue checks and white stripes! I do not intend re-painting it.

Once again, I have tidied up the Black areas before taking these photos.

For those who have not seen the earlier posts, I have decided that this miniature will be given away in a competition/prize draw. Details to follow once the figure is finished.


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