Thursday 1 April 2010

March 2010 Update

Yesterday afternoon I spent some time over at Grand Manner. I needed to drop off a couple of models for Dave to put into molds. A simple couple of minutes turned into a couple of hours and I came away with even more projects and books to study. A visit to GM is a great way to re-kindle your model making enthusiasm.

Dave is a little behind with all the mold making, he is estimating that close to 60 new models will be available and featured on the updated GM web page through April. I am always amazed at how quickly Dave can model and sculpt compared to my feeble (and slow) efforts. As already mentioned his latest advert features some of these new models and the SHOP section shows even more, see;

Finished projects that I have been directly involved it, include;
AWI/ACW - particularly the model of Hartwell Tavern and the Guilford Courthouse group in 28mm.
A European Windmill - a multi-part model of a generic corn grinding windmill, again in 28mm.
A Tudor- Style Dovecote - based on an illustration and the building at Luntley Court, Hereford. I believe this to be one of the 'prettiest building' I have ever produced.
A whole load of early Medieval Town Houses and Shops - totally interchangeable buildings with optional ground, first floor and roof castings, internal detail and various optional parts for the diorama builder.
A modular section of Harbour Wall which features the main wall section which is designed to be extended and/or displayed at 90' angles, a floating wooden walkway, steps and a section of upper paved dock.
And the Flintloque or Napoleonic Building Set (also featured here on this Blog).

I addition to this Dave has worked on Medieval Farm Buildings and a new large church.

All, in all, a very busy three months of model making.

Other non-GM projects I am working on include;
Another article for Barking Irons - the new magazine from Alternative Armies.
A Victorian Science Fiction (VSF) model of a Flying Aeronef in 1/300th scale to be featured as a written article in a magazine very soon and various outstanding Workbench articles for The Miniatures Page (TMP).

All of which will be detailed here over the next couple of months.


"They say if you want something done - give it to the busiest person."


  1. Tony, funny how a short visit to see both Dave and yourself gets the creative juices flowing again! That Hartwell Tavern now completed has me thinking about getting my 28mm figures out! Hope to have some good photo's for you both after the trip!

  2. Always glad to be of service.

