Thursday 8 April 2010

Medieval Buildings - Update

The latest batch of new releases are now being featured on the Grand Manner Shop Site. In addition I have just come across this post by Darrell Hindley, who has some pre-release photos of the Modular Medieval Buildings, see;

The Photo below shows the Two Storey House with Jetted Gabble End (ME58)

There is a whole range of similar (modular) buildings From ME51 - through to ME65 which were initially modeled by me. For full details check out the Grand Manner Shop Site at;

In addition the Flintloque/Napoleonic Building set is also included under LS43, 44 and 45, However at this time there are still no finished or painted examples - these really are 'hot out of the molds!' If you want to see examples - please check out earlier Blog entries labelled Flintloque or see;

You will see from this huge new range of buildings that I have been very busy and just maybe have not been updating this Blog as often as I should. But with this new set of releases, I feel I can take a well earned rest - well that is until I start the next project, which at this time must remain a secret.

I'll update once I have painted examples.


It is quite common for Dave to amend my 'Masters' prior to casting, thicken walls, add membrane to windows and doors etc. The 28mm Dovecote has some great little additions that I think really add to the character of the casting. Dave has modeled four small doves/pigeons, three on the roof section and one on the ground. Well done.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to congratulate you. I find your buildings beautifully designed. Seeing pictures of what can be accomplished through scratch building then resin casting inspire me to keep working to develop my own skills. Thank you again for posting these updates and introducing me to such wonderful modelling. Detailed terrain modelling does not seem to be as pervasive over here in the US, thus it is nice to be able to find a community out there that appreciates creating detailed miniature worlds where gaming can take place.

