Saturday 17 April 2010

My 75th Follower - a competition?

Earlier today the 75th Follower joined my Blog! Welcome to Captain Neven. I'm not sure if this counting of followers is a good measure of how well a Blog is doing or not, as I see 'My Blog' as a visual diary, however following a suggestion from my daughter (who knows about these things) I am going to have a competition or prize draw amongst all my followers.

The prize will be Billy (the) Piper, see earlier posts. Although at this moment I am not sure how I am going to decide on the winner? Any suggestions or is it just throw a D100 and re-roll for any number above 75?

The draw will take place once Billy is finished, so follow the On-line Build to see how it progresses.

Any new Followers between now and the draw will obviously be included. Thank you to all who regularly pass comment old or new.

Good luck.



  1. God I hope that die rolls my number!

    I'm looking forward to seeing the resulting mini, it looks great so far.


  2. Sorry to have to contact you via a blog comment but i came across an old post from yourself regarding gamesforce magazine, just wanted to let you know you can now get this in the UK translated into english from Good service - got my copy promptly. hope that helps.

  3. Hello Tony,

    While I hope to win, please do let me know if I do. But re-roll after that and let another have the prize, it would be wasted on me.


