Sunday 2 May 2010

Billy (the) Piper - part nine

The base is now painted and the whole miniature has been touched-up. I have not painted any metallic areas yet - as I plan on doing these after I varnish the figure. If you check back to earlier images, you should be able to see how I continue to play-around with both the tartan and the bonnet stripes, but I now feel that they are finished.

At this stage I would have said that the figure painting is finished, but something happened, something that has made me change a number of things on the miniature - more details in the next update.....


1 comment:

  1. Looks good mate.

    Looking forward to the final update (or what sounds like the final update).

    I might start painting FMF soon, but I am working on one of mine at the moment. Not sure the colours are really working though.

