Saturday 10 July 2010

Suburban Knights by E F Kitchen

I regularly correspond with Bob Lock, an author from Swansea. for further details see;

Earlier this week Bob was telling me that he had been asked to write a review of a new book - Suburban Knights - a return to the Middle Ages by E F Kitchen. The book is a photographic record of the Society for Creative Anachronism or SCA, historical re-enactors to you and I. The book is full of illustrations of enthusiasts dressed and armed with their medieval equipment and as such must be of use to modellers and wargamers.

More details can be found at;

Check out the LOOK INSIDE feature as well as checking out the short video. My only criticism, and it is a very small one - is that the photos look too crisp, it may have been better to have had some 'out-of-focus' effect to instill age.

I hope you enjoy the link.


1 comment:

  1. Good times, participated in the SCA for 20 years. Video shows its much unchanged :)
