Wednesday 25 August 2010

Notables Painting Competition - Flintloque

The Notables are a Yahoo Group that support a range of games from Alternative Armies, for example Flintloque, Erin and Typhon. Gavin at AA has agreed to run a miniature painting competition the rules of which are that you must use this particular set of Flintloque miniatures, The Fencible Militia (54031) as part of the entry. Full details can be found at;

The suggestion for the competition came from me! So obviously, I'll be competing, however a beautifully written post by Mad Uncle Rogipoos (see the Notables for a full history of this eccentric Flintloque character) added further impetus, the full post is included here;

The idea for my suggestion came from seeing a collection of Fencible Militia for sale on e-bay, where the seller had grouped together a varied selection of Fencibles and 'other' Flintloque figures in sets of six. I was tempted to pick up a set, but thought I would be better off choosing a group direct from AA. Once I had posted my suggestion Roger Willcox (Mad Uncle Rogipoos) responded with the post detailed above and the idea took on a life of its own. One of the novel parts of this competition is that entrants must write a background to their particular Fencible's Regiment - the more obscure and comical the better. It is this part of the Flintloque background that I find so much fun.

I would hope that others (possibly - you good reader) will also enter the competition, remember the closing date for registering an interest in taking part is the 31st August (competition end date is 1st October).

I'm keeping my 'powder dry' and will not be posting any more hits or tips of my own entry until the results are announced!


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