Wednesday 29 September 2010

Aethergraph issue two now available

Issue two of The The Aethergraph is now available for download, the 16 page on-line magazine concentrates on Victorian Science Fiction (VSF) and this particular issue is full of flying creatures and monsters for use with Aeronef, Space 1889 and Gaslight. I have a short article entitled Aerofauna for Space 1889/Aeronef which details how I used cheap toy rays as flying creatures for use with my 1/300th scale Aeronefs.

These two images show the finished and mounted Martian Rays - full details are on page 5 and 6 of The Aethergraph, Volume 1, issue 2.

This is the second issue of The Aethergraph which is edited by J. Womack - further details ca be found on the Blog Victorias Boys in Red (VBIR) and is well worth checking out, good luck with the project, I look forward to seeing lots more.



  1. Thanks for posting this- I recently obtained a couple of similar plastic Rays, and had been wondering how to give them a decent paintjob - the advice in the Aethergraph is just the ticket!

  2. Love the rays. Find the font, font size and colouring on the Aethergraph very difficult to read though...
