Wednesday 1 September 2010

August update

Following a visit to Frankfurt at the end of July and a day out at the Weald and Downlands Open Air Museum I have been busy building masters for Grand Manner. The models are now with Dave and should be available for Colours on the 11th and 12th of September. All in all I am expecting there to be over a dozen new buildings launched at the show and I will be attending on the Saturday.

In addition to modelling, I have at least two new Foul Mouth Freddy stories/scenarios due to be included in Orcs in the Webbe and Barking Irons In fact I have already been informed that a modelling and painting article is to be included in issue three of BI which is in addition to the Foul Mouth Freddy article!

The Ancible magazine has a build it/paint it article featuring yet another 1/300th scale Aeronef, however I am not sure if it will be featured in issue five or issue six?

In addition to all this I have asked to be included in the latest Alternative Armies painting competition, see link so it should come as no surprise that I am also thinking about entering another competition featuring on The Lead Adventure I would hope that common sense prevails and I resist the temptation, but regular readers will know that I am not known for taking the simple option!

I promise to keep the blog updated, but I would hope that given the above you will excuse me if I fall behind.


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