Tuesday 7 September 2010

Gripping Beast Morris Men

When Gripping Beast first announced the launch of their Morris Men I knew I would have to have a set. I picked up the blister of seven miniatures from Colours 2009 but it has taken some time to paint them.

I mounted four of the figures (three dancers and the accordion player) on to a square resin base and painted them in the uniform of the Mad Jack's Morris as a gift for my Brother and Sister in Laws wedding anniversary as both are members of this group.

The miniatures have been modified to match the dress of this group of dancers with crossbelts and top hats, While the figure to the right has had Dave's glasses and mustache added with Green Stuff, see illustration above.

I have tried to vary the 'whites' by using a different acrylic paint blend on each of the figures, the white was painted over Vallejo's Stonewall Grey.

Finally, once finished and varnished the resin base was mounted on to a silver box, to celebrate their Silver Wedding Anniversary. Happy Anniversary Dave and Fee.

Tony (and Sue)

1 comment:

  1. Great work and a lovely gift - personally I'm thinking I need to get some minis together to play Dr Who and the Daemons!
